Challenge Season Updates
A challenge update has been released on, which I’ve summarised below.
This update is to the standalone scoresheet and the scoresheet within the Robot Game Rulebook and includes:
Mission 13 – The scoresheet found on page 30/31 of the of the Robot Game Rulebook mentions the following mission constraint:
To score, team equipment may not be touching the craft machine at the end of the match.
This constraint does not exist in this mission’s description and thus should be ignored. Restated, team equipment MAY be touching the craft machine at the end of the match
Mission 14 – Values found on page 2 of the standalone scoresheet and page 30/31 of the Robot Game Rulebook are incorrect do not match those found in the mission description. The second sentence of the scoresheet should read as follows:
If a target destination has at least one audience member completely in it: 5 EACH DESTINATION
Further updates or clarifications may be published as necessary, so remember to keep an eye on the site above and your inbox as we’ll continue to post these updates here as well.